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Yoga and Me

 About Curious

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當身心靈疲憊寂寞 瑜伽 守護你!

郭光宇(文字工作者)  (20081208)


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在Space Yoga練習有一段時間了 ~~~

Anusara 派別開始練習時  , 都會先用梵文唱送一首歌 Invocation ~~

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一、 脈輪的作用:

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自從 2009 /8/1 開始,每週日 南下台中,參加體能活力瑜珈 - RTY 200  師資課程。至今,剩下兩堂課了,也應該做總檢討,作為自己瑜珈路上的自我省思和分享囉 ~~

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There should be a nice flow between the foot, ankle and hips in the foot and ankle rotation during Thai yoga massage.

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  Back chopping in Thai yoga massage is a variation on a traditional back massage.

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Get new energy and positivity with this standing Yoga breathing exercise, Pranayama. You can practice this in front of your computer, in the morning for waking up or in the afternoon after work or whenever you need new positivity

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Thai yoga massage shoulder rotations relieve stress caused by hunched shoulders and backs. Learn more about the shoulder rotation

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Strengthen your eye sight and relax your eyes. Anybody sitting in front of a computer or a TV for long hours can benefit immensely from practicing these Yoga eye exercises daily. You can do them sitting on a chair or on the floor, or in a standing position. Eye exercises also help to balance the brain hemispheres and harmonize the mind.

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The cooling breath, enables you to cool down, to relax, control appetite if you are on a diet and to prevent headache.

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New energy and positivity through Kapalabhati, a dynamic breathing exercise, also called "breath of fire". You can do it sitting on a chair in front of the Computer. Or you can pracitce sitting on a pillow or mat.

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Open your heart and develop flexibility of your upper spine. This simple Yoga exercise is especially helpful for anybody sitting for long hours. You can practice this whenever you want or feel the need for a stretch in your chest. Caution: You must have a stable chair which will not fall when leaning against the back.

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現代人,常為頭痛所苦,一起做做看,踏出向頭痛說掰掰的第一步吧  ~~~

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  影片中,畫出力量線的方向,可以用來提醒自己在做體位法時的小筆記   ^_*

  呼吸,記住呼吸 ~~~

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